- Introduction of Board Members.
- Introduction of the newest neighbors that moved in and were present at meeting.
- Review of 2022 spend and carry over.
- Reminder regarding no large projects done in 2022 to reserve funds to cover remaining large projects .
- Proposed 2023 Projects (building repair, complete park paving, install bump stops at end of park drive)
- discussed largest turn out we have had at the annual cookout.
- Discussed that many letters were sent out to homeowners for up keep of property (high grass, deteriorating fences) , large vehicles on street blocking view (code enforcer was engaged to check on excessive cars at one residence to insure they were tagged and not in violation of junk ordinance)
- Update on Epcon completion of the entrance repair, after relentless emails and the board having to stay on them. They are still remediating water issues with several adjacent homeowners. They still have more work to do at the water station on Millwright as well in Spring of 2023.
- Motion made to keep the dues the same at $130 approved.
- Homeowner's Shane and Mary gave shout outs to the board for all their hard work.
BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDENCE: Heather, Rocky, Julian, Bob, David and Mark.
hoa email: hoa@stevensmill.com